Pass the Exam & Earn your DHS Section 508 Trusted Tester Certificate!

Our 508 Trusted Tester courses are designed to make complex concepts simple, empowering you to think like a DHS Trusted Tester. As you progress, you'll gain confidence and deepen your understanding, ensuring you're well-prepared to pass the exam and apply your new skills in real-world scenarios.
Introduction Video
508 Tutorials and Training

Comprehensive Training Curriculum Videos Include:

Topic 1: Conforming Alternate Version and Non-Interference
Topic 2: Auto-Playing and Auto-Updating Content
Topic 3: Flashing
Topic 4: Keyboard Access and Focus
Topic 5: Forms
Topic 6: Links
Topic 7: Images
Topic 8: Adjustable Time Limits
Topic 9: Repetitive Content
Topic 10: Content Structure

Topic 11: Language
Topic 12: Page Titles, Frames, and iFrames
Topic 13: Sensory Characteristics and Contrast
Topic 14: Tables
Topic 15: CSS Positioning
Topic 16: Pre-Recorded Audio-Only, Video-Only, and Animations
Topic 17: Synchronized Media
Topic 18: Resize Text
Topic 19: Multiple Ways
Topic 20: Parsing

Included with the core curriculum videos are exclusive insights and strategies
to understand how to take and pass the exam with confidence!

508 Tutorials and Training

The most advanced online course to help you pass the DHS Section 508 Truster Tester Exam fast!

  • 2+ Hours of Expert-Led Training: Gain insights from professionals with over 25 years of industry experience.
  • Exam Success Tips: Equip yourself with essential strategies to ace your Certification Exam on your first try!
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Understand all 20 topics through clear, straightforward explanations.
  • Limited-Time Offer: Originally priced at $499, now only $299!

Don't miss this opportunity to advance your career—enroll now!